Monday 25 March 2013

South African Kwaicore Music

Welcome to a new genre of Kwaicore music. Kwaicore is a combination of styles, senses and movements. A combination of Kwaito and Hardcore Rock that has attracted opposites. For one moment imagine Newtown in Joburg, a vibey part of town that South African music thrives. A man and woman meet in between the entrances of two clubs. They bump into each other, thrusting the contrast of styles into a new music genre. The man, dressed up in chinos that are tucked into his All Stars and a collared shirt tied tightly at the neck by a red bow-tie, representing Kwaito. The woman, dressed head to toe in leather and studs, her face blends quite nicely with her metal studded jacket and boots, clearly a hardcore rocker.  His un-prescribed spectacles are knocked of his face whilst her pink tipped mohawk is as it was. With this, Kwaicore was nearly created! This action of forcing one genre of human creation into another was from then known as to be ‘kwaicored’. The actual creation of the sound of Kwaicore is still to come.

Monday 11 March 2013

Kwaicore Entry 1!

Kwaicore has just hit the blogger-sphere! Add this word to your computer dictionaries, add it to your vocab, add it to your life. Kwaicore is a new genre of music. It is a new breath of a new life form! Stay posted to learn more. follow @kwaicore on both instagram and twitter.